Quilted Twins

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Test Pattern #49 remake, part 5

I worked on it this past week and managed to get those 40 cornerstone blocks made.

It took more of my concentration than I thought it would because I’ve been doing so many other things while my husband has been gone. I’ve been doing some straightening and cleaning and cutting - lots of trimming and cutting.

I have had some boxes of some very nice fabrics that had been for making scrubs for a long time now - years and years - and I’ve been guilty of “saving” thing for special things. The problem is that they are smallish pieces - the average piece is maybe 5” wide and long. I have several boxes of them. They were leftovers from a factory of some sort.

I brought out 5 of the boxes and decided, as per one of my more recent blog posts to quit waiting to use this beautiful fabric. I find it super easy to use UGLY or not-so-nice fabric but harder to use gorgeous ones.


I am cutting it all into squares - as big as I can get - either 4.5” or 3.5” squares and I will make quilts out of them. If they are only 3.25” wide, I may only trim a 2.5” strip out of it or cut a 3” strip and decide later if I want to use the 3” size of squares. The rest I strip into 1.5”, 2” or 2.5” strips as I’m trying to get the squares cut.

So far I do not know the style of the quilts, but these are all pretty much novelty prints - beautiful, interesting and fun ones as often scrubs are.

So…I have been working on that. I thought maybe I would be able to get 5 boxes cut while my husband is gone. LOL.

If I can get ONE all done, that will be good. Two would be almost a miracle. Five - not unless I want to cut all day. And I don’t want to do that. It’s all very pretty fabric and I’m enjoying looking at it, for sure. The larger pieces I’m even cutting into squares for Ewa’s mom to use (6” squares).

Oh - in fact - the little blocks I finished today - all those 2” corner little blocks were cut from either these pieces or the backing from the charity quilts - I took it right back out of the 2” strips basket I’m throwing my trimmed pieces into. I know it will show that I cut less (weight), but that’s okay. :)

Ok…back to the point of this post.

But I did make this little cornerstone block.

I used paper to sew on - using white and a saturated color piece of fabric. I need 40 of these blocks, so I printed out 7 of these sheets.

I then sewed on the lines.

Then I cut them apart with my rotary cutter and cut off the little pointy parts with scissors.

Then I tore off the paper.

Then I pressed. This made those beautiful half square triangles in the right size. No trimming. But then I’ve already sewn on a line and trimmed - ahead of time.

Then I could begin to work on the square.

I sewed each row together and then sewed the rows together to make the 9 patch.

After I finished and pressed them I put them all back in the bag with the pattern and the other pieces.

The only thing left now is the yellow part/sashing piece. Once I finish these pieces, I can begin to put the top together. This sashing piece is what I have left. I’ve already cut the gray squares. That leaves just the other parts. I will need 65 of these blocks!

I have saved this piece for last because I can’t remember for sure how I made it before - so I’ll have to refresh my memory and go ahead and make it. I think it wasn’t as bad as I thought it would be - at least that is a vague memory.

Thank you again for coming with me on this journey!

Have a great day wherever you are reading this!

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