Quilted Twins

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Cultural - May 2 - Flag Day

This is a repost of a previous cultural post - as these types of things don’t really change.

I've not written previously about Flag Day because it isn't an official political holiday. But it is a holiday here in Poland, much like Flag Day is a holiday (June 14) in the USA.  I can't forget that date, because it's also the date I got married!

Anyway, since this date falls in between May 1 and May 3 (duh!) which are both political holidays, it makes sense that they would put Flag Day here.  There are already flags lining the streets.  They are everywhere!  We even have a Polish flag which we normally put up on our balcony.

They've only been celebrating Flag Day since 2004, so it is quite recent.

The Polish flag is a simple red and white flag - or rather I should say white and red, shouldn't I? White is on the top.

It looks like this:

Since both May 1 and May 3 are holidays, a vast number of people take off the 2nd as well.  This year, since May 1 and 3 are on a Monday and Wednesday, respectively, this means taking Wednesday off.  Then naturally, why not take the rest of the week off? So, this year, these holidays are basically giving anyone who possibly can a chance to take a week off of work - in May.  Normally "holidays" fall in July and August, when school is out. Schools tok the week off - even colleges, as the teachers want the time off as well!

I found a really interesting article about people making a huge flag (in English). I'll link it here.

This flag is enormous and it will be flown from the top of a lighthouse. It is 36 meters x 20 meters - or 118'x66'. The short video is in English if you are curious.

Here's a quote giving the history of why red and white are the colors:

photo from google images - This is a pretty typical site in the towns during this time of the year.

So while May 2 is not a political holiday or an official "day off" from work (people who take it off have to use one of their many vacation days, in other words), it is a day that is recognized as something special.

And now you know! 

My husband likes to hang our Polish flag out during these holidays and I managed to get a 2 second video of it flying in the breeze. We are privileged to live in a country where we have such freedoms to show our honor to the Polish flag.

It’s backwards, because I’m taking it from the back side…from inside the house. But you can also hear the birds chirping. :)

 I trust you are having a great day, no matter where you are!

And be sure to check out what my sis has for you over in the shop.

Thanks for coming along with me on this journey!



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