Quilted Twins

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Spring is here!

Spring is here in Poland! It’s so pretty!

I know that we are expecting a return to some cooler days in the next few days, but I thought I’d take a blog post to show you some of the flowers that we are seeing around where I live.

I do think that we may be almost a month ahead with some of the flowers - and that is a bit concerning to me. For example, the forget-me-nots are often in May. I saw a bunch at the church and it is very much the middle of April. So…not sure what’s happening.

Maybe you have some of these flowers where you are? I’ll bet you do.

The fact is, I missed the better part of these tulips which are at the church property.

The forget me nots….it does appear that in some places we have a lot of them, but I’ll assume that the majority of them will be in May. These are at church.

A random single tulip in my own garden with various other things growing in the background

Some other flowers growing prolifically.

Early forget-me-nots in our yard - hopefully many, many more coming!

Periwinkle ground cover is going gangbusters right now!

And how could I forget the cherry blossoms? The tree is loaded! This one is a white-ish cherry - a Royal Anne type - sweet, mild cherry!

How about you? What is blooming where you live? Is it spring? Is spring already past? Maybe it’s on its way, or are you in the southern hemisphere and it’s fall where you are. What is on your radar for beauty right now?

Thanks so much for coming along with me on this journey!

Have a great day wherever you are reading this!

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