Quilted Twins

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Getting the Flowers Going

I have been putting off putting some of the potted flowers I purchased into pots. I’m not sure why - I think it is just because I have been enjoying being inside more this year and haven’t gotten around to it yet.

Note - I forgot to take pictures all along the way. I realized it part way into the process.

However, I spent a couple of hours yesterday working on a few pots of flowers and made up my display.

It is much more modest than last year’s which was spread all over the place on the back patio.

I decided this year to focus on begonias because they love shade - at least they do well in shade - and the colors are so vibrant. Last year my geraniums didn’t give me the flowers I was hoping for.

After I finished with the potting, I swept the whole back patio area but was wishing for a water pressure washer. :)

Over the years we have been getting more and more shade back there as surrounding trees have grown larger. The shade is wonderful and I don’t actually mind but I was reminded of this last year when I tried to grow tomatoes there. Tomatoes didn’t do very well as they just didn’t have enough sunlight. The plants grew okay but they didn’t produce the fruit I know they are capable of. So I’m not doing tomatoes this year.

In the end, after I swept the area with my broom, I got a nice little, modest flower display.

Looking at my smallish collection, I see that I could use some other colors - something more than red. Maybe some purple. I also would like to get my husband’s water pressure cleaner and spray off the back patio.

It was a little bit wet. I also watered the plants once I transplanted everything. Plus, we had a bit of rain shortly after I planted.

So far I have left this flower that is coming up between the bricks. They are the sunflowers that seem to naturalize freely here.

It kind of reminds me of some of my sis’s beautiful florals. Let me share with you several that are only $6.99/yard. They are gorgeous!!!

Be sure to check them out!

If you click on the photos, it will take you to the fabric.

Thanks so much for coming along with me on this journey!

Have a great day wherever you are reading this!

Be sure to check out what my sis has for you in the store here!

Feel free to browse the site.

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