Quilted Twins

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Next Set of Hearts!

It’s that time of year again! I can put out hearts and hopefully people will get these hearts before rain or something else destroys them!

I didn’t put them out in in January or February much simply because we had so much rain and not very nice weather.

I did go ahead and prepare a lot of these, however, and have been putting these out this past week. At least this year I’m not what, shall I say, as scared as before. I’ve now had a few reported and people are all very happy about it. Actually I’ve seen 3 that have been reported.

So…there’s that.

Here are the next twenty.

I also am making about 60 Christmas ones pretty soon so that they are long done before the Christmas season. Even though last Christmas I didn’t have any reason that I should have felt so busy, I did choose to make some things for our local charity drive, and that ended up taking time. So, this year I decided to make some hearts well, well ahead of time as I have many beautiful Christmas decorations.

I think there is a reason for the saying in relation to quilting and crafting and sewing “Christmas in July”. By getting things done well ahead of time, it just takes all the stress out of it.

Here they are. These have been made since the middle of the winter. I will set them big enough so that you can see the detail.

My sis had suggested that I send some of these pictures to my mom in Florida so I did. I mean, I have in the past. Mom really enjoys just sitting and looking at them, so I think I’ll send her some more photos of them as well. She has a digital photo screen that all the kids can send pictures to from all over the world and she will get the photos. It’s as techy as she will get. But I guess she likes looking at them.

I did bring back a couple more packages of pony beads with me in my suitcases. They are just so much cheaper in the states than over here and I like adding them to these hearts.

I have put out all of these before I am featuring these from now on.

Since I have now had 3 reported, let me share with you the people who found them. The first was a kid and his dad at the McD’s parking lot and I think I shared that one with you.

I think people like stories and we all like stories of people who have good things happen to them, right?

The other one was only reported on the Facebook page, and apparently not the website. Their photo was not very good, but I will share what this person said.

“This kind of heart I found in Poland”.

So while I’ve just had three reported back, it was fun to see them! I don’t actually “need” to have these reported but now that I have the name “Poland” more often showing in the reported hearts, I’m feeling a bit better about our representation. :)

I have gotten out of the habit, it seems. It’s a bad thing to do - get out of the habit. I’m sure when people find them they enjoy them, but when you’ve not done it for a while, when you start doing it again, it’s scary again! :)

Anyway - back at it again.

I’m sure I can do a better job at getting these out. I have so many already made and just waiting for me to distribute. I want to get them out!

Have a great day wherever you are reading this!

Thanks so much for coming along with me on this journey!

Be sure to check out what my sis has for you in the store here!

Feel free to browse the site.

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