Quilted Twins

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Reverse Culture Shock - Initial Reactions to the People!

I think when I come back to the states, I am never quite sure what to expect from the people.

From the internet/news, you’d think that everyone would be mad at each other the whole time—borderline mass chaos, shootings, an explosion of tension waiting to happen.

However, this has not been my experience.

My initial reaction is that the United States if full of extroverts and friendly, chatting people.

Maybe I am warped because I think I’ve never noticed so many friendly and happy quilters as this year when I’ve been back in the store!

You all have been fantastic! So many very social quilters and husbands have been coming through the shop! It’s actually amazing!

Also other places where I’ve been - people are talkative and friendly.

This has been my overriding first impression of the people - shoppers, workers, cashiers - everywhere.

Maybe it’s just our small town. I know the USA is not one monolithic culture. I am aware of that. I just can’t get over how friendly people are!

Maybe part of it is the atmosphere that Ken and Rachael have developed in the store here in Florida. People who come in are friendly, chatting, helpful, and generally, in a good mood. It is really quite wonderful.

My daughter in law thinks some of it is a reaction to the whole COVID experience and confinement, etc. At least here in Florida, people are very friendly.

Of course, Jessica has a baby and it seems that people all like to talk to babies as well. That helps. Also my 2 year old grandson is constantly telling everyone hello!

So, maybe in YOUR part of the USA, it’s not the case - but here - I think I can say that it is.

Every time I come back I have to get used to it. People in Poland are not extroverts as a whole. They keep to themselves unless they’ve been drinking. It’s just so very different than here!

And there you are! That’s it. I love it. I really enjoy it when people are generally friendly and in good spirits.

I know it’s not about quilting, but it is a reverse culture type of post. I experience this each time I come back and I think I’m never quite ready for it!

Today mom and I went to Publix, and here is mom in action. Publix has these electric carts that she is able to use.

Thanks once again for coming along with me on this journey!

Have a great day wherever you are reading this!

Be sure to check out what my sis has for you in the store here!

Feel free to browse the site.

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