Quilted Twins

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On our Way to Daytona Beach for a Quilt Show!

For the past few weeks we’ve been getting things ready to take to the Daytona Beach, FL Quilt show because we are heading over today - to set up to be venders.

It’s not the first time for us to be venders at a quilt show, but it is the first time for such a big one!

This one is one of the big ones of the series by the American Quilt Society and their line of shows.

We are planning on taking backings, some quilt kits, cut yardage and various other things including some rulers.

We are taking two mini vans and a SUV of sorts with backing, yardage and other products quilters need.

We are also taking several different quilt kits!

It’s all a new experience for us.

I’ve been to one big Quilt Show in Wichita, KS many years ago, but never been a vendor before. I guess we’ll see if it is worth it!

Rachael has been a vendor at a couple of them now, so it’s not really new to her. But this is her first one THIS big. She’s been to Houston, but that isn’t run by this company. This one is put on by AQS or American Quilter’s Society. For reference, they put on shows in Daytona Beach, FL, Branson, MO, Paducah, KY, Grand Rapids, MI, and Lancaster, PA.

I think of all of these, Paducah is the biggie here. But that’s fine.

I already feel like a fish out of water. :) But I’ll pretend I fit in.

Maybe we all are just pretending?

I know a lot of people really don’t feel like they ‘fit’ but do it or go anyway - to a meeting, a church, a group, etc.

Then one day they look around and decide everyone else there once felt the same way - and it’s all okay. So I’ll go and hide my conflicting emotions with a smile as you come by!

How’s that for positivity?

Anyway, we would love to see you if you are in the area.

Thanks so much for coming along with us on this journey!

Have a great day wherever you are reading.

Be sure to check out what my sis has for you in the store here!

Feel free to browse the site.

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