Quilted Twins

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It's Time to think about the Pasco County Fair Entries once again!

If you are local, the Pasco County Fair is coming up again!

We need entries for Collura Cottage which is the place for all the home goods with things like quilts, crochet/knitting, sewing, baking, painting, duct tape crafts, etc.

If you have things that you want to enter, follow this link for the instructions.

We will be entering the most recent Shop Hop quilts that we have finished

plus I want to enter two of my more recent finishes - let me share with you. I did not bring them for the sole purpose of entering them in the fair, however, since they are finished and on this side of the pond, I want to go ahead and put them be in the fair. My DIL asked for them. (I had offered a variety of quilts to my children and my youngest son’s wife asked for these two.)

But I don’t care about the ribbons or anything - I really just want to support the local county fair.

The fair is something I grew up going to and appreciate that bit of history and part of Americana that I like. As a result, I want it to continue and it won’t do that if we don’t support it by putting our things in the fair to be seen. Others come through and see what you made and enjoy looking at it! Your entry may inspire others to make quilts. I know before I ever tried to quilt, I loved looking at all the amazing quilts in the Alaska State Fair in Palmer, AK way back when we were first married. In fact, I’m sure that that visit to the AK State fair early in our marriage sparked in me an interest in learning to do applique and/or other similar types of things. The desire lay dormant for many years, but I’m glad I’ve had a chance to explore this amazing thing called quilting.

Here is part of the entry form for the Pasco County Fair. I only screen shot the part that applies to quilts. Certainly a person can enter quilting AND crochet or quilting, cake decorating and general sewing, etc.

To fill out your own entry, go here.

So, it’s time to prepare now! I know in some areas, the fair is in October or September. However, here in central Florida, it’s in February!

Rachael will be putting out a specific call for quilts and other items - but just prepare now! Start looking around your house for things made in the last five years but not shown in the fair to this point! Let others share in the beauty of your work! You never know what will actually encourage others in their life’s path!

We had one lady two years ago who took up crochet to help her as she had been recently diagnosed with some sort of stage 4 cancer - so she took up crochet and was doing some amazing things! What an encouraging story - she was using what time she had in making things for others in spite of her our struggles. You just never know what’s going on in peoples’ lives.

Have I inspired you to enter the fair? I hope I’ve encouraged you to at least think about it!

If you are planning for this the best dates to plan for is February 7 and 8 for getting your quilts to us here at Quilted Twins or at the Pasco County Fair. Don’t forget that date!

We’ll be looking forward to seeing you!

And thanks so much for coming along with me on this journey!

Have a great day wherever you are reading this.

Be sure to check out what my sis has for you in the store here!

Feel free to browse the site.

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