Quilted Twins

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For Your Convenience - “3 Yard Quilt” fabric bundle packs!

I’ve found that many people are afraid to choose colors for quilts or second-guess themselves. It’s really HARD for them to choose fabrics.

For those of you who prefer for others to choose fabrics for you, Rachael and her crew at the shop in Dade City have compiled some amazing bundles for those famous “3 yard quilts”.

Let me show you! They have scoured the amazing fabrics that we have in the store and found coordinates that the typical 3 yard quilts need and put together sets. Just for you to choose from!

And the amazing thing is - these are all just $22 for the package!

I am sure that Sarah and Jessica are critical in this project, and probably Rachael. They all have a great ability to choose coordinating colors. In fact, they’ve had people just write in and say, “Please choose 5 coordinating fabrics for me” for specific situations. Naturally it can be stressful for the ladies in the store to choose fabrics for someone else, but if the person is really trusting, they have fun doing it!

If you aren’t sure what I’m talking about - well, Fabric Cafe - and especially Donna Robertson - decided to market some small and simple quilts that use one yard of three different fabrics and called them “Three Yard Quilts”. There are now books and books of these ideas out there for sale. Let me share with you some that Rachael has here in the store.

These are usually pretty simple. Some are getting a bit more complicated with the newer books. I will say, however, please do not expect a big quilt with only 3 yards. Also, the more seams you put into a quilt, the smaller the end result will be. So three yards of fabric cut into large pieces will end up being a larger quilt than one made with 2” cut pieces.

You can click on the photo and the book link will show up! Rachael has a lot of people who love these patterns! Be sure to peruse the collection. CLICK HERE

Here are the fabric bundles that the ladies have compiled. Some of these feature children’s fabrics but some feature some gorgeous florals or other. Just take a minute to look! All are only $22 each! CLICK HERE

You will like what they’ve done. If you haven’t tried one of these three yard quilts yet, maybe it’s time! BROWSE what’s available still HERE

Get yours today! HERE

Tell your friends we have these fabric sets! They are great for charity quilts and the price is certainly right!

Thanks so much for coming along with us on this journey!

Have a great day wherever you are reading this!

Be sure to check out what my sis has for you in the store here!

Feel free to browse the site.

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