"Shadow Point"

One more from my quilt tops made primarily from my bags of 2" strips and squares.  This is number 29 and I named it "Shadow Point."

IMG_1126 sm name.jpg

If you look carefully at that last quilt - Confetti - and this one, you will see that the basic block is the same - a shadow added to a 16 patch.  It looks like this:


I used a light gray as the constant and black binding.  I quilted with an all over design. This one went together pretty quickly.

And just because some of you are curious about the backing and because you can see a little of the shadow effect of  it when I took the picture above, I thought I'd show the backing. This is fabric purchased in Poland. This is the end of the bolt (64 meters) I bought which I used for charity quilts. 

Becky Petersen4 Comments