"Double Nines"
As part of a group project in 2016, we were supposed to make a "9 patch" quilt. I decided to make a double 9 patch, as I've made quite a few Irish chains or a variants of them.
As with all of my group projects/challenges since 2015, I made it from completely upcycled/recycled materials--except for the batting and thread. I chose blacks and grays, with a red chain. Since I was using upcycleds, and scrappy, you may actually think I made some mistakes in placement, but I didn't. I just didn't have enough of any one "gray", for example, to make it perfect. My goal was to do with a gradation of color from the corners, which were a solid black, to darker grays, to light grays and finally to white in the center.
We are having some very cold weather these days--thus the "snow picture". We don't often have this cold of weather with snow on the ground.
Here are a few more pictures for your enjoyment.
The wind couldn't decide which way to blow -
The back is made up of several different pieces of fabric - all upcycleds. I didn't have enough of any one fabric in these colors to back this with just one fabric.
Since this is a completely unique quilt, I didn't attempt to write up a pattern.
But I can give you my diagram, if it will help you -
This is the diagram that I worked off of when making the tiny 9 patches and as I sewed together the quilt top. Each of the big blocks are cut 9.5”. The little squares are cut 3.5” and the little 9 patches are made up of 1.5” strips and/or 1.5” squares (cut) and end up being 3.5” as a block - 3” once all sewn into the quilt.