Arrived in the mail...

On these gray, kind of dreary days, it is a little difficult to get have new ideas, to stay on full throttle....November in Poland is pretty dull at times.  Weather wise, anyway.


Today I got a box! 

Remember my friend who sews for us way back in Arizona?  Actually she's sewing for the Polish people around me, but they don't know her. She sent me another box filled with charity quilt tops.

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Here it is!  

But it's not very satisfactory just to see the outside of a box, is it? 

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So I opened it up and this is what I saw


And this is what they look like once taken out and laid out for you to see.  Nine big (doubles/queens) and 4 small ones that I will add borders and make into single/twin size!

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Someone is thinking about us. Someone is praying for us. Someone is helping us!  Can it get better than that? I surely do appreciate our friend, Fran, in Arizona!

Have a great day from this not-too-cold-but-not-very-warm Poland!

And just in case you need something from the store - don't forget to check out what my sis has for you - and only $5 shipping for any size order!!!  Here's a few items from her novelty section.

Becky Petersen2 Comments