Cultural - Another doctor's visit

Today my husband and I went to see the doctor again - this time for a follow up visit and another x ray. 

The x ray said he could take off the cast, but still absolutely NO WEIGHT on the leg. He will use the brace that he has had but a minimum of 3 weeks of no weight bearing on that leg. So, yes, I will continue to be the go-fer for him - he can't drive yet.

Here's a summary of our visit - 

First, we drove there (he can't drive because our vehicles are standard transmission) - so I drove up to the hospital, dropped him off, and then went to park the vehicle.

The back side of the parking at Medicover Hospital. I prefer parking out here than in the parking garage as the turns inside the garage are very tight and not well suited to a larger vehicle.

The back side of the parking at Medicover Hospital. I prefer parking out here than in the parking garage as the turns inside the garage are very tight and not well suited to a larger vehicle.

I walked up to the hospital itself from the parking area. There is a parking area on the right of this picture but it is difficult to turn sharply inside - it's good for smaller cars, but our van and the SUV Mike has  - not so good. I prefer pa…

I walked up to the hospital itself from the parking area. There is a parking area on the right of this picture but it is difficult to turn sharply inside - it's good for smaller cars, but our van and the SUV Mike has  - not so good. I prefer parking in the middle of the open even if it means I have to walk further.

This is where I dropped Mike off and I had to walk back up here to go in the doors here.

This is where I dropped Mike off and I had to walk back up here to go in the doors here.

This is the lobby area of the hospital which you see just after you talk to reception.

This is the lobby area of the hospital which you see just after you talk to reception.

We went in to see the doctor, where he wrote us an order for an xray. Then, while my husband got the x ray, I waited in the waiting area, checking out Facebook and reading a couple of articles.

Mike is standing here waiting for the lady who does the x rays. He's holding a paper giving the "order" for the x rays. 

Mike is standing here waiting for the lady who does the x rays. He's holding a paper giving the "order" for the x rays. 

The apple bowl has been hit pretty hard today.  There were only two apples left here! I sat here and waited. This time I just read Facebook and a couple of articles on the internet while I waited.

The apple bowl has been hit pretty hard today.  There were only two apples left here! I sat here and waited. This time I just read Facebook and a couple of articles on the internet while I waited.

Then, after the x ray we saw the doctor again.  He gave the okay for the cast to come off. Mike didn't want them to do it though since he said he could take it off quite easily and didn't want to pay the $70 or $80 they would charge to do it.

the cast in two pieces

the cast in two pieces

So, we stopped and ate on the way home at at McDonalds which is on the way home.  We got this particular McD's 2-3 years ago and it is wonderful to have a fast food restaurant on the way to and from Warsaw. Once I had fed the dog, shut the gate, locked the doors, found the saw and brought it to Mike he was able to take the cast off. It didn't take long and was perfectly safe.

Looks, well,...strange, doesn't it? The word is "artistic"!  I'll take out the trash tomorrow and throw them in the dumpster.

Looks, well,...strange, doesn't it? The word is "artistic"!  I'll take out the trash tomorrow and throw them in the dumpster.

So now it's sitting in the trash.  Looks kind of funny doesn't it?

And that's my big news from today!

Don't forget if you need something from my sis's store. She'd love for you to order everything she has so she doesn't have to move it!  (She's moving from one location to another - it's only 2 doors down so it's not like she's moving a mile away.)

Becky Petersen4 Comments