Quilts from the 1800's? Some REEALLY old quilts here
1880's? Seriously? We still have a quilt from almost 140 years ago?? No way in the world. I mean, local quilt shop quality fabrics didn't exist back then. How could anyone get good enough quality fabrics to last?
On Feb. 4, 2017 at our local Pioneer Museum, we had our annual Quilt show in Dade City, Florida.
I went prepared with my camera in hand and some extra time, so that I could get some pictures for you to enjoy!
OLD, OLD quilts... These quilts are always up at the Pioneer Museum and studying them made me he-haw and truly Laugh Out Loud at the absolute absurdity that you have to spend $10 or $12 a yard on fabrics to have a long-lasting quilt.
Granted, these quilts aren't being actively used. However, most of them were made LOOOOONNNG before we even heard of quilt shops!
Then, we had three super recently made quilts, compared to 1930's and 1880's. No dates were posted on the three quilts sewn below, but they had no age stains and were obviously made more recently.
This small room of quilts was not the quilt show, nor the reason why I went. However, I did want to take pictures of these beauties while I was there. I actually went up to the Quilt Show because it was a Hoffman Challenge Quilt Show and I wanted to see the creations that people from all over the nation made. I'll do that another day, however. Come back. Stay tuned. Otherwise, don't go about your merry way without checking in with us here at QuiltedTwins.com. You never know what you might read about!
Take a minute to check out what Rachael has for you - always at a great price! She wants to help keep quilting affordable!