I'm tired
Yes. Tired. I am feeling drained. Part of it is that I've not been feeling that great lately, but also because I've gotten this much done in March.
I put on the afterburners and went through boxes and bags and bags of scraps. I fired up that Sizzix, and made it smoke. My 2" and 2.5" dies got a workout. My back is tired. I've hardly sewn at all for the last few days, but part of me is feeling so relieved, that I'm sure some of my 'tiredness' is letdown - it's what you feel after you work hard in order to meet a goal.
Now, I may have more "stuff" elsewhere, but all the scraps that were just lying on the floor in bags and boxes just a month ago, are now dealt with. The floor in that room is now visible and the gray carpet is showing. I love it.
The scraps that are circled above along with the bunch in this box equaled several bags and about 3 laundry baskets (the long, rectangular kind, not small round kind) full. It took quite a while to go through them all. I have so many crumbs/strings because the Sizzix actually creates more strings than when I cut by hand with the rotary cutter. But I was able to really go at it hard today by using the Sizzix. I decided that those strings were worth it to get done. Plus, as I sorted, I found that I had bags of already sorted crumbs, direct from my sewing area.
This is the room as it is today - the stuff I've cut up in March is not included in this picture.
But I don't have that much left elsewhere in the house.
Yesterday I was getting closer and closer to getting through everything from this room shown so that I actually went to the basement and brought up another bag and a box that were located near the fireplace. I went through those today.
The box actually had been donated to me by a friend here in Poland. In it is a partially finished quilt. I'm taking the quilting out and going to re-sandwich it with a different backing and quilt it. I know my friend had gotten discouraged as she thought someone was going to buy it from her but the deal fell through.
Since the month isn't done, I won't give you the totals (by weight) yet. I'll wait til March 31 or April 1 for that.
I've been feeling really pressured by the mess that these scraps were creating. Also, while dealing with these, it wasn't easy (slight understatement!) to use my table for sandwiching, drying, or anything else quilt related. It felt like these scraps were stopping progress in all areas of my quilting life.
So, I just wanted to get past them.
There's a Bible verse that is applicable right now--Proverbs 13:19a "A desire fulfilled is sweet to the soul, "
So, now I am going to return my focus back to sewing/quilting again. I have a bit more organizing to do in a couple of places, but for now, I'm breathing a big, big sigh of relief!
Maybe you can hear it from your home!