"Strings" project continued

This past weekend I was busier than usual with other things going on, so I didn't get that many new string blocks made up. This is all I actually got made.

I'm doing this project as a "make the top as I go" project - meaning that I will work on adding blocks to the top week by week until it is the size I want.

I also remembered that before I could continue to add blocks to my top center - I need some more small 9 patches and more sashing strips. I found white and colorful strips in my 1.5" bags of strips and made those up quickly. Plus I found a zipper baggie of pieces of light/dark/light using off white and white as the light - so I was able to put together these 9 patches and sashing strips sets reasonably quickly. 

This is the plan and the hot pink lines show what size I have currently.

It is now about 42"x52" and a nice baby quilt size. :)  But that's NOT the size I want to make.  I have 50 of the 6.5" blocks made and I figure I need 100. There are only 30 of them in this top as of this picture. I'll need to make some mo…

It is now about 42"x52" and a nice baby quilt size. :)  But that's NOT the size I want to make.  I have 50 of the 6.5" blocks made and I figure I need 100. There are only 30 of them in this top as of this picture. I'll need to make some more 9 patches and sashing pieces.

I only actually cut up 8 new 6.5" blocks and 21 3.5" blocks from string fabric I made up plus some of what was leftover from the weekend before. 

Even though on this top it doesn't really matter, to keep myself oriented I often put a safety pin in the upper left hand corner of the top or block I'm working on.  Like this:

I'm still considering what to do with those 3.5" squares - have some ideas that look pretty fun. The problem of course, is that I need a lot of them - 3.5" finish at 3" in a quilt block - so if I sew 4 together in a block, I use up 4 at a time. I think my total number of them is something like 120 at present- which would make about 30 bigger blocks - certainly not enough to do anything with - well, not anything BIG anyway. :)

Unfortunately for me, my strings bags hardly look touched.  Oh well.

These are what I made last week.  I have some nice fabric pieces to make some more this week.  Hope to show how I did it in the next installment of this "Strings" project.

These are what I made last week.  I have some nice fabric pieces to make some more this week.  Hope to show how I did it in the next installment of this "Strings" project.

I figure I will make 3 quilts with these on this go around - and when I finish these tops, do it again. I'm just trying to keep the time for this project to one or two sewing sessions on the weekend. If other things come up and I can't do that much, then that's okay too.  They will still be there. The butterflies fell victim to that this week. I have some string fabric set aside for cutting up into string butterflies with my Sizzix. However, I am out of time for this segment. So, please be patient and check back next week for that.  I'll make it priority to get pictures of my cutting those butterflies with my Big shot Pro out of the strings fabric.

I just decided to try to begin to attack those strings/crumbs bags because I wasn't using anything at all from them all I did with those bags was add more to them - and I wanted to start using them up!


My sis has been in Greece and Italy enjoying a Journey of the Footsteps of the Apostle Paul in the Bible, but she's going home soon. So, certainly...feel free to order, and order and order from the store! It would be a nice welcome back for her to come back to lots of orders! I think she'll return with a new appreciation for the amount of all cotton fabric you have in the USA!

Have a wonderful day from beautiful Poland!


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