"Strings/crumbs" project update
I decided earlier this year to begin to tackle these strings. My bags of strings and crumbs were just sitting in bags and I never went for them - and decided to tackle them. So, I decided each weekend to take at least one good session of sewing and devote it to strings and/or crumbs, if I could. If "life happened" and I couldn't, then that was fine too, but at least now I have a plan.
So far I've finished one top. (You can read about it here.) Now I'm working on the second one.
This weekend all I did was finish all 72 of the string blocks needed for the next one.
I need 72 for the layout of the next string quilt I have planned. I decided to focus on them and get them finished this weekend. Here they are - all done!
They are currently 7.5". Ready to be put together with the other blocks I have yet to make. Each one of the little string blocks started at 3.5" and the white strips are 1.5"x3.5" cut. The center cornerstone is a 1.5"x1.5" square.
Unlike the last quilt, which appealed to the "immediate gratification gene" in me, where I added blocks each weekend til it was the size I wanted, I must finish all the other blocks before I put this top together. So, I'll aim to finish a color or two each weekend until I can lay it out.
Once again, I'm making Strings 2 a queen size - I might someday make a smaller string quilt, but for now, no.
Here's my plan:
My goal is now to go through my strips bags and try to find some very bold solid colored strips in these widths. Either that, or as I cut up scraps (goal - 15 min/day) this week, I will pull out some "uncut" scraps (I still have some - though nothing like last year!) and pull out some in very bright scraps in order to make these.
Even though this is a mock up from the Electric Quilt program, I've found that the end results often look very similar to the layout as planned. I've been surprised, in fact, since I usually use "stock" fabric.
The block I will be working on looks like this:
This block will be different than most I've made in that the middle square is cut at 2.5", the ones surrounding it are cut 2" and the outside ones are cut 1.5" - that's because I need the block to finish at 7" with seam allowances. The middle 9 patch will "finish" at 5" and then the outer small squares will finish at 1" each. Total 7" block.
The wider tape is on the right - it is almost 4" wide. The other adding machine tape is about 2" wide.
I was in the mood to do a little more, so I turned around and behind me I noticed some scraps sewn onto adding machine tape from several years ago. I decided to bring them back out and use them pretty soon. It's time.
I was able to find regular adding machine tape here in Poland for under a $1/roll, but last time we were in Newton, KS, I found an old timey general store that had some adding machine tape in a wider size from a different era- in fact, they are almost 4" wide. I bought several rolls. I'm sure they had been sitting in that store for literally years and years..
I've made two quilts already from these - in the second half of 2013. Since then my crumbs have accumulated by leaps and bounds.
With this one, I alternated the wide strips and the narrow ones.
With this one, I used narrow strips, but I spaced them wider as I went toward the edge of the quilt.
This is how I sewed fabric on to adding machine tape:
I pulled out a strip that I had already started and just picked up by sewing a couple of strips on it. Then I remembered to take pictures.
Add a new scrap to the top of the previous piece. Flip it over. Do it again. And again. And again. Today I only did about 3 feet of scraps.
When I felt like stopping for the day, I turned over the strip and sewed in from the edge 1/8". Yes, it will dull your needle. My needle already felt dull.
After I sewed each side, I trimmed close to the edge.
Close up
After I trimmed it, I wound it back up.
All wound up. I still have plenty left on the roll. I'll keep working on it. Truthfully, I probably have enough already made up - just need to figure out what I want to do!
From the top
These are strips ready for me to use. The wider one in the back is almost 4" wide. The one on the far right is the one I worked on a little today.
No matter whether you consider this many strips/scraps (sorted) a blessing or a curse, one thing is for sure - they represent a LOT of possibilities.
These last few pictures - they aren't for Strings 2 quilt - that will be a "crumbs" quilt. For me, they are all similar - the dregs of my scraps. Let me show you why I feel like I NEED to start using them. Look at these bags of strips/ - check out the far left. They are bags of strings/crumbs. The other bags get used from time to time. I hadn't used those crumbs/strings back since I filled them up. Well, maybe last year I dug some really skinny pieces for tomato plants - tying them up. But that was about it.
That's why I've started this ongoing year-long, or multi-year project! it will certainly stretch me - trying to figure out what do make with these tiny, somewhat difficult-to-use pieces.
And now you know!
Have a fantastic day wherever this finds you reading!
Don't forget to check out the goodies my sister has for you over in the shopping section of this website!
Colors may vary slightly from what is portrayed. Screens vary as well as our eyes sometimes see things differently, but we've made every attempt to have the color be accurately portrayed.
Price is by the Yard.
100% cotton
44/45" wide
Local quilt shop quality fabric
Riley Blake Solid Confetti Cottons