The good stuff! So much beautiful fabric here. It is all cut up and more or less ready to be used. I still need to sort it by color and put it in the appropriate bins. Oh yes, I guess I should just use it. Those bins are all pretty full. Guess I need to get busy on some "upcycled" projects soon.
In June, my husband and I took a short one day road trip. I had some clothing items I had from last year (!) that I had gotten that I hadn't yet cut up. Yes, I did. Hangs head in shame - I still have a few items that I've not finished cutting up. (What happened is that my focus switched from cutting up clothing to getting my scraps under control.)
The buttons I came home with. I added them to my button collection.
So, I grabbed them - (at least I knew where they were!) and put them in the vehicle with us. On the road trip, when I wasn't taking pictures, I was working on cutting up shirts and removing buttons. I came home with a bag of stuff to go into the kindling, a nice collection of buttons to add to my button collection, and a very nice sized bag of cut up clothing items.
I've found that it isn't good for me to try to do too many in one day as I can give myself a blister where my scissors hit my thumb. Thankfully either my fingers have toughened up or I didn't do "too much".
While my husband was looking at the milling machine I started getting sleepy, while waiting in the vehicle (it really wasn't something I wanted to stick around and watch as they played with the machine - trying to see how it worked), so I made myself get up, walk around a bit and then started to work on cutting up some more garments. I had worked on them on the way over as well. I had brought along quite a few things.
I'm using the front seat as a work space while waiting for my husband. He's inside a nearby building checking out a milling machine (no he didn't buy it - but did want to see it).
I used the front seat as a table while I worked hard and fast while my husband wasn't around. You can see the orange Fiskars scissors. We had internet there, so I had a baseball game on ( so I thought that was pretty cool - watching American baseball in western Poland while my husband was checking out a machine from Switzerland.
I stood up as I was kind of tired of sitting from sitting for hours in the morning as we drove to the western part of Poland.
These are the interesting labels from the back facings of the shirts and/or or plackets. I plan on using them in a quilt.
I COULD use parts of these pieces, but I've decided not to worry about it. These things all have interfacing fused to them and I don't want to spend more time on them. I don't have anyone locally who would like them to give them to or I would. They went into the kindling bag.
I finished all I wanted to do for the day and just stuffed them all back in bags and let myself enjoy the scenery on the way back. The time did seem to go pretty fast! Of course, I wasn't the one driving. I was keeping an eye out for interesting things to look at and it was still light all the way home.
We stopped at Burger King on the way home - since it was a toll road there were limited places to eat and gas up.
I'm looking at all my goodies from garments with a new eye as I've been thinking about some "fidget" quilts. I want to make some - for people with dementia/Alzheimer's.
"bling" and other assorted items for adding to a fidget quilt
I picked these things up for about 1 zl each (25cents - 33 cents depending on the exchange rate) or free. I haven't been buying any of these marked down clothing items lately at all because I have so much I need to use up! In fact, I have quit going to these stores at all. I can buy much faster than I can use them up! That had to stop or my house would begin to rival a used clothing store. It already rivals a fabric shop!
And that's all for now from my part of the world!
I trust you have a great day from wherever you are reading this!
Don't forget to check out what my sis has for you. She's got some good deals. Be sure to check the shop regularly. Since a lot of her stock is "destash" it will change and there may be some truly unique stuff there.
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