New fabric acquisitions
Here in Poland, we we have a couple of Polish producers of cotton fabrics. They don't really claim to be quilting fabric, but they are 100% cotton and can be used in patchwork projects.
As you look at this picture, you can see some solids and some printed fabrics. As of this writing the printed fabrics are gone - almost all used as backings for charity quilts. I still have some of the solids. I bought this back in June, 2015.
I've had dealings with two such companies - one is Kary and the other is Kejt. A couple years ago I bought several bolts of solids from the company called Kary. I still have some of it - whereas some of it is long gone. These bolts were about 64 meters each so significant amounts of fabric. They helped me speed up making my charity quilts and provided me with plenty of that one color.
I have struggled with dyes that bleed, and the fabric smells like vinegar. I think that is humorous. I hate to tell doesn't really stop the bleeding!
Anyway, I've learned how to cope pretty much - I am sure some of the bleeding is because the of the EU regulations about dyes. I try to think ahead if I'm going to use the red I got - making sure that the white doesn't accept dyes in the wash.
This will be backing. I loved the trees as it makes a completely "neutral" charity quilt! Plus, I just like the trees. They re quite large, however. This fabric is about 62" wide, so you can see that those trees are probably 12" across.
Recently I bought several more bolts - this time from Kejt. These are large bolts, once again. I needed white, so I ordered a bolt - I think I got 100 meters of it! I hadn't ordered this from them before, so I was taking a little risk. However, I am happy enough with it.
Isn't this cool fabric? There are a total of 100 meters here! It's about 62" wide.
When I've ordered from both of these companies, I'm ordering "wholesale" - so I'm paying the same price as a store would. This makes me happy!
When I order this way, I have to take what they have. Sometimes it is 50 meters at a time, sometimes 60, or 80 or 100. I can't say, "Oh, I only wanted 50 meters. It means, I don't order that many at once as it is a "chunk of change" each time.
But I've found it makes finishing up those charity quilts ever so much faster!
I've also found some of these company's fabrics on an on line auction site that we have called
The "bolt" of white. Yep. That's a lot of fabric! That's a meter stick in front of the fabric. My husband made it for me for Christmas!
As an American living in Poland, and this applies to any foreigner living wherever you are - you can either choose to settle in and use what's around you or always find the need to import. I am glad I finally tried the fabric here - I use this now almost exclusively for my charity quilts as I've used up most of my misc. fabrics that I had tagged for backings of charity quilts. They make nice backings, are not pieced, so they are fast, and I think the people really like them! It makes the quilts completely reversible!
I had some cars fabric that I ordered once and I think some of the kids preferred the backing to the front - the carefully pieced front! That's okay. They have two nice sides that way!
My ultimate goal concerning these fabrics? To visit these manufacturing places! They are about 2 hours from our house! I haven't checked with them yet to see if they let tours go through, but I will!
And just in case you need some fabric, be sure to check out what my sister has for you over in the shop area!
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