Charity quilt labels
My labels box was seriously depleted. Yes. I was down to one!!! One.
My ONE loan label left. I am going to push again in October to finish more and need at least 40 more labels!
So, it's time to make some more.
I wanted to show you my process for making them.
First I choose a piece of white or light colored fabric that is "less than desirable for quilting" for one reason or another.
Secondly, I cut a piece of stabilizer and put them both in the hoop. Secure it tightly.
Thirdly, put it on the embroidery machine and select the pattern from the files.
Push "start".
Just starting. The whites I choose normally are fabrics I don't want to use in my quilts for one reason or another.
Then, later...much later, I have 5 labels.
I cut them apart using either my pinking shears or the rotary cutter with a wave blade and put them in the box! I want to have a nice collection before fall comes!
Because each set of 5 takes over an hour to do if there are no stops (and there is always at least one stop to change the bobbin), I have a lot of time invested in each label. Sometimes I run the machine while I'm in the sewing room, but I can push "start" and leave the room.
I can hear with a "beep" if something is wrong.
I put one of these labels on each charity quilt I make.
And now you know!
Have a wonderful day wherever you are reading this!'
Be sure to check out the goodies my sister has for you!
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