Charity Quilt Give Away!

Well, we are tired, but feeling successful. We gave away just about 100 quilts today in about 4 hours - from 9 am til 1 pm.

People came in with these coupons that I made up ahead of time and asked the local social services to give away.  I so appreciate their help!  I will be sure to take a box of candy in within the next week to say thanks! (it's a common thank you gift!)

This is what we were giving away - 

Without further ado, let me show you some pictures from Today.  My sis, Rachael, helped with pictures and video - otherwise, I wouldn't have even thought about it.

Our team: Natalia (left), Monika in the gray t shirt and I'm second from the right and Rachael is on the far right. Our team.

Our team: Natalia (left), Monika in the gray t shirt and I'm second from the right and Rachael is on the far right. Our team.

 We had a lot of men come in and a lot of single ladies.

They snatched up the dark ones and the guy -ish quilts I had. Quickly. Very quickly. Even the ladies took the ones I thought might go for the guys. So...I need to focus more on men's and older boys and guys.

And now I need more appropriate for ladies. I still have plenty for girls and younger children.

Here are some people packing up their quilts on their bikes. This was the most common form of transportation we saw today.

Here are some people packing up their quilts on their bikes. This was the most common form of transportation we saw today.

This lady was trying to get 9 quilts on this stroller. She has two sets of twins!

This lady was trying to get 9 quilts on this stroller. She has two sets of twins!

Truly, "It is more blessed to give than to receive."  We were blessed today by being able to give these out  We trust they will help keep people warm this fall as the weather begins to cool off usually by the end of August.

Today is a holiday here in Poland - but that is for another post.  As a result of that, people had time to come and get quilts!

Thanks to all of you who have helped with either tops, batting (I had a lady send me some money to help buy a whole roll of batting), fabric, or just simple encouragement!

Don't forget - if you need some fabric to finish up some of your own projects, be sure to check out what Rachael has to offer you!

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