"Strings 2" project update

I only did one sewing session with these.

This is what I got done:

1. Cut sashing strips - 1.5"x7.5" for between the blocks.

2. Finished up 3 more chain blocks (need 2 more, I think, without counting - )

3. Attached many of the sashing strips between sets of string blocks and chain blocks.  

I'm trying to set it up so that next weekend I can lay out my rows.  I've found that sewing an on point top together seems to take longer than sewing a horizontal quilt together - even if it is the same number of blocks or almost the same number. 


I've found that once I get to sewing the top together at the end, however, I really get into it.  Hopefully I'll have time next weekend to do my nest step and get those setting triangles cut and the whole thing laid out.

So while I didn't get a whole lot done on this project, I did make progress.  My philosophy of this whole project is just to "keep on keeping on" even if it is just a couple of hours. I figure eventually I'll finish something!

And there are times that I'm forcing myself to work on these - it's not my favorite thing to do - but my attitude is starting to improve. Before I actually use up a whole laundry basket full, I may love using them!!!

This is the plan  for Strings 2!

This is the plan  for Strings 2!

While you are here, feel free to check out what my sis has for you. Rachael's minions are back at the store, ready to fill orders - even if she's starting on her trip to visit Poland!

Be sure to check back regularly on the blog in the next couple of weeks to check out what we're up to  Hopefully we'll get to be tourists a bit, PLUS we have a charity quilt give-away planned! So we're excited to be able to share this with you.

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