Got EQ 7!


I broke down and bought it. Electric Quilt 7. I'm gonna laugh if EQ 8 is just around the corner.

I am eager to check out what goodies it has in it that EQ 6 doesn't. Thankfully my 6 designs can be opened with 7 - at least that is what I understand!



I also bought those amazing pineapple rulers that I saw demonstrated by Jenny Doan on you tube.





hen, as I was looking around my sis's "stuff", I found a Sizzix die and I figured that either she got it in her destash stuff or I ordered it a while ago and it came "late".  So, I'm taking it with me as well!


It's going to feel like Christmas when I get back to Poland!

And just in case you need some goodies to add to your stuff, just hop on over to the store here at Quilted Twins and check out what we have!



Becky Petersen1 Comment