I really appreciate all these donations!

While I've been here in the USA, these short 3.5 weeks, we've been given quite a few things for our ministry/outreach in Poland.

loom hats.jpg

Let me tell you!

While in Arizona, we were given almost 100 hats for people in Poland. They are very nice and I'm sure we can find people to give them to.  I went ahead and shipped them to ourselves while we were still in Arizona as I really didn't have the room to carry them around in my suitcase!  They were made primarily by an 80 year old lady and her sister in law.  I think her daughter may have made a few of them.


Then I left for Florida.

While I was still in the airport between the first and second flight, I got a message that a lady had some fabric donated to me!  I was thrilled. I told her I'd be by the next day., (The donation point was Zephyrhills, FL). I went on Friday afternoon to pick up the fabric! Such a blessing!  it's so much fun!


Then, my sis pointed out the boxes of things that were sent to me including two very nice sized boxes that had several quilt tops that I can use in Poland/Ukraine as especially nice donation quilts. I'm very excited about those as well! 


I wanted to have several quilts ready for couples in the Ukraine later in October, but I knew i didn't have them ready yet. This will help me get at least 3 or 4 ready - and that's about all my husband can fit in his suitcase he takes over.

So, I'm feeling pretty enriched again.  I appreciate all the encouragement and support we've received while being back in the states! It really does help to feel loved!  Many of you realize that we are pretty alone over in Poland - no coworkers and no family around - so 'feeling the love' is great. At least I know I appreciate it!

And that's it for today!  I'm off to see how I can help my sis however she needs it!



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