Cultural: Spring has sprung in Poland

It seems like just a couple of weeks ago we had snow!  Earlier this week, however, it was 76F. Today was beautiful at 70F!  We stopped by Lidl, a discount grocery store, on the way home from Warsaw, and I noticed a bunch of bikes outside the store.

No, these people are not using their bikes in races. They are using them as a form of transportation.

Amazing! Nah. Not really. Just practical.

Notice how many of them have some sort of basket on them. That's where they will put their groceries.

Notice how many of them have some sort of basket on them. That's where they will put their groceries.

After we went to Lidl, we went to  garden shop where I got some potting soil and some flowers. It's too early to plant most things, but I got some pansies and some geraniums - but only 5 of them. Our frost date is May 10 or the 15, so I'll be cautious and not plant too many things now. I plan on getting some pumpkin seeds put in peat pots tomorrow.

The Latin name is  Chionodoxa

The Latin name is  Chionodoxa

Many years ago now I planted these bulbs - commonly called Glory of the Snow.  They have spread quite a bit and are gorgeous right now. 


Here's more evidence that spring is here - the markets have more people in them and more people are just walking around. When it's very cold, they don't spend extra time outside and the dealers who are selling clothing outdoors are scarce.

My son, Timothy, grabbed these pictures today while in Warsaw.

Curb-side market in Poland
Fresh fruits and veggie dealers are quite common. Obviously they are somewhat limited when the weather is below freezing.

Fresh fruits and veggie dealers are quite common. Obviously they are somewhat limited when the weather is below freezing.

And here are the beginnings of my floral display for the summer!  I'm hoping to make another "Happy Place" like I had a few years ago when I made my mom a quilt - a bunch of flowers in a corner of the back terrace. Last year I didn't bother since I knew we'd be in the states both inJ July and in September.  It took the desire to plant anything right out of me!


Have a wonderful day!

 Wherever you are reading this!

And these are a few of the signs that spring is here!

Don't forget to check out what my sis has for you over in the store!

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