"Frisky Boxes"

After making a couple of pretty intensively pieced tops (Made Ya Look at Blues and Triple Irish Delight) I was ready for an easy and quick one, so I made Frisky Boxes. It was number 9 in this series of upcycled blues.

I've made some "box" quilts but this one is a bit more free spirited. That's why I called it Frisky Boxes.  If you've spent time over at the free patterns page, you will find Fancy Squares and Framed - sort of similar but different. 

It's light hearted and simple and quick.  I was able to use all colors and shades of these fabrics 

Here it is. 

Those kind of wild fabrics (stripes) actually don't work that well in this quilt top.  Oh well. It is that kind of quilt! This is one I like better from a distance than up close. :)

Those kind of wild fabrics (stripes) actually don't work that well in this quilt top.  Oh well. It is that kind of quilt! This is one I like better from a distance than up close. :)

It's pretty long. When you see a quilt touching the ground when it's outside on the line, you know it's hitting close to the 100" mark.

I did a kind of free form quilting - trying to work on curls and such.  The very fact I did it is progress in my desire to expand my FMQ horizons.

I did a kind of free form quilting - trying to work on curls and such.  The very fact I did it is progress in my desire to expand my FMQ horizons.

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The backing -  an upcycled duvet cover - from Ikea. Of course I bought it at a second-hand shop - but it was originally from Ikea. I like it!


When I placed the boxes, I tried to mix up light and dark and then flip them around. Sometimes  when I finish, it looks like I didn't do a good job mixing it up, but I really did spread them all out on the floor (my design board) and moved them around and around, flipped and turned until I thought they were right.  

Then I got it together and saw a few places I could have improved upon. 

But that's how it seems to go with these types of quilts. It's not the first time. Sometimes you just have to call a halt to the rearranging of the blocks and start putting them together!

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I took these pictures a week or so ago. The snow is gone and has been gone for a little while now.

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I think it looks cool from a distance. It's a simple quilt and could be finished in a couple of days if you put your mind to it - and don't have a lot of distractions.

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I did update the free pattern with new pictures. It is here. I hope some of you can use it!

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Happy Quilting

Have a great day!

Don't forget  - my sis has a lot of interesting things in the store!  Be sure to check it out while you're here! Backing is one of the things she features at a great price!

Becky Petersen2 Comments