Strings/crumbs update- "A Hot Mess" top finished

I spent a lot of this past very warm, muggy week working on some mindless sewing by trying to make big progress on A Hot Mess. I decided that of the quilts I have left in the blues, this is the closest to completion and requires the least pressing. At least two of the other ones will need a lot of pressing half square triangles and then trimming - I didn't feel that energetic!

I added some 9.5" widths to the edges, some 6.5" and some 3.5" strips. I "made fabric" in these widths, sewed them together end to end to make a strip, and then sewed them to the center of the top.   It's about 96"x101" right now - I'll square this one up after I quilt it - as I'm not at all sure how square it is currently.

Here it is. I worked on it off and on all week, though - not just the weekend. It was such a wet, humid, warm week that I had a hard time time getting motivated to do serious piecing. This is the opposite of serious piecing!

I have either the idea to just straight line quilt it randomly - or just meander or quilt loops all over it - as you won't notice the quilting at all - I think even if I used navy thread you wouldn't see the quilting for all the random busy-ness of …

I have either the idea to just straight line quilt it randomly - or just meander or quilt loops all over it - as you won't notice the quilting at all - I think even if I used navy thread you wouldn't see the quilting for all the random busy-ness of this thing!

Here's a bit of a cropped portion close up - 

IMG_4087 sm name.jpg I like it?

I don't know. I don't "hate it".  I'd be hard pressed to say I really "like it" though...It's different. That I will say!

And that's what I did with regards to my crumbs/strings, not only on the weekend, but during the week. I made huge progress on yet another one of these upcycled blues tops! 

A summary of the whole project is here - if you want to see them all. 

Don't forget to check out what my sis has to offer you in the store! She's always offering something new!