Quilted Twins

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Crumbs/strings update

Each weekend I am trying to work on using up crumbs/strings at least a little. Otherwise, I’d rather just avoid them, but I have so many, and constantly create more - so i feel like it’s a separate challenge to myself.

This weekend I decided to try to make up some blocks out of the crumb pieces I made last weekend.

Here’s a close up of the block itself. It measures 7.5” square before putting into the quilt.

I’m going to make up this quilt as I finish the blocks - it will help keep me inspired to push on week to week. I will need a lot of these blocks, but they are relatively simple to make and hopefully I can finish at least 10 every weekend without too much stress.

I also made up a few more blocks so I could be sure to add more to this top next weekend.

Here they are:

Then I added some pieces to my paper tape. I had wanted to make the equivalent of 2 96” strips, but it was taking longer than I felt like working on it, so I stopped.. So far I only have 120” made - - I need another 80” or so to make the next two lengths. I’ll work on it this week if I feel like it. It is mindless sewing, but a bit stressful when your heart isn’t in it.

It’s perfect for when you don’t feel like doing anything else, but actually I had another project I was “itching to get to”, so I left it rolled up after taking these pictures and went on to what I really wanted to do! But I did work on those crumbs for at least a 2 hour session this weekend, so I’m okay with that. Two hours at a time, and I will make progress - eventually.

If you are new reader, you can go back to my page where I’ve put the strings/crumbs quilts that have mostly come out of this project. (The first one wasn’t.) Enjoy!

And that’s what I did this weekend with regards to strings/crumbs!

Be sure to check out what my sis has in the store! She is working hard to add fabrics daily!

See this gallery in the original post

See this content in the original post