Crumbs/strings update

Each weekend I am trying to work on using up crumbs/strings at least a little. Otherwise, I’d rather just avoid them, but I have so many, and constantly create more - so i feel like it’s a separate challenge to myself.


This weekend I decided to try to make up some blocks out of the crumb pieces I made last weekend.


Here’s a close up of the block itself. It measures 7.5” square before putting into the quilt.

IMG_3039s name web.jpg

I’m going to make up this quilt as I finish the blocks - it will help keep me inspired to push on week to week. I will need a lot of these blocks, but they are relatively simple to make and hopefully I can finish at least 10 every weekend without too much stress.

I also made up a few more blocks so I could be sure to add more to this top next weekend.


Here they are:




Then I added some pieces to my paper tape. I had wanted to make the equivalent of 2 96” strips, but it was taking longer than I felt like working on it, so I stopped.. So far I only have 120” made - - I need another 80” or so to make the next two lengths. I’ll work on it this week if I feel like it. It is mindless sewing, but a bit stressful when your heart isn’t in it.


It’s perfect for when you don’t feel like doing anything else, but actually I had another project I was “itching to get to”, so I left it rolled up after taking these pictures and went on to what I really wanted to do! But I did work on those crumbs for at least a 2 hour session this weekend, so I’m okay with that. Two hours at a time, and I will make progress - eventually.

If you are new reader, you can go back to my page where I’ve put the strings/crumbs quilts that have mostly come out of this project. (The first one wasn’t.) Enjoy!

And that’s what I did this weekend with regards to strings/crumbs!


Be sure to check out what my sis has in the store! She is working hard to add fabrics daily!

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