We're doing a Thank You give away!

I think you remembered that I made a quilt that i called A Hot Mess back earlier this year. I used up a bunch of orphan blocks and small pieces.

This is what it ended up looking like.

I suppose you could call it “modern”. I just called it A Hot Mess. Thus the name.

I suppose you could call it “modern”. I just called it A Hot Mess. Thus the name.

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Well, I decided I could part with this one - so we’re going to use it as a thank-you give away - one of our customers who orders in December will win this.

I will take your name and put it on a slip of paper and stick in a jar and at the end of the month, we’ll draw one and someone will win this wonderful quilt.

Now, if you don’t like it, you don’t HAVE to take it.

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My sis really dislikes this one intensely and wouldn’t want it if it were given to her.

So, if you feel the same way, well, you won’t hurt my feelings if you say, “Give it to someone else!”

Of course, maybe your brother, sister, mother, or father would like it, though - so maybe you could take it and just give it to them!

We might as well “share the love”.

I’ll update periodically with pictures of my glass jar - with the names in it. Your name will go on a slip of paper every time you order. There is no minimum order.

We hope to do this kind of thank you gift more often than we’ve been doing it - at least I want to do it! We’ll see how it goes!

I think it would brighten someone’s day. It’s for sure the colors are brilliant!!!

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Be sure to check out what my sis has for you over in the store! Maybe it’d be a good time to stock up on some basics! Maybe some backing? It’s already a fantastic price! Everyone is a winner who shops here - you will save money and time - if you’ve not tried it yet, be sure to!

Becky Petersen4 Comments