"Posing Posies"

Happy New Year!

I’ve got another finish for you!

This fun quilt is from my 2” series. It’s number 47. This one has been hanging around my tops for a while now - too long.

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I was thinking I was pretty clever using this fabric as the backing.


Ha. It made it really hard to get some good pictures outside.

I had serious problem with see through shadow. I ended up putting a dark sheet behind the quilt so that it would show through less.

Here you can easily see the stripes in the background of the off white.

Here you can easily see the stripes in the background of the off white.

The quilt roll:

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By giving you a couple of nice close ups of the roll inside, you can see the color and the quilting. I used a tan thread and swirls. I like it!

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Overall, the colors inside make the quilt look warmer and nicer - and that is how I see it in the light in the house. However, outdoors is usually how it really is! Even though our winter days are drab and dreary, we can still see better outside than in.

With the way the tan colors showed up - I am not entirely pleased with this one - especially with the pictures. They sort of remind me of swastikas in various places - and that, I am not very happy about. However, it is finished and that is a good thing!

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I have been working at least a little bit on my 2” strips quilts page - did you realize I had one? Well, I’m working on it.

This pattern has been updated and it’s on the free patterns page.

Be sure to check out what my sis has for you in the store!

Becky Petersen5 Comments