"Mosaic Variation"

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Isn’t it nice to see things that aren’t just blue? I think it is! This is number 59 in my 2” strips series!

Yes, another one finished from that series.

I’m so happy to be able to finish these!

This one is prettier in person than in the pictures, by the way.

I suppose that some of you remember the one I called “Mosaic” - it is a very simple design, but made row by row. I decided to play around with bricks and blocks and came up with the same “look” but constructed quite a bit differently.

Here it is.

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Just for your comparison, here is the one that I made from the pattern I called simply “Mosaic” I used more dark fabrics.


This one (the dark one) is made row by row. I couldn’t figure out any way at all to make that design in blocks. It is a bit more “complicated” to actually put together due to that.

I decided a while ago that I wanted to make something similar, but with blocks. I sat down to work on it and came up with something ALMOST the same. There are a few more seams involved.

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The seam i’m pointing out here does not exist in the other Mosaic pattern.

The seam i’m pointing out here does not exist in the other Mosaic pattern.

By contrast, this time, I decided to go with colors that I love— the softer, “prettier” colors (if it is possible to actually declare one color prettier than another)—maybe better stated, “colors that I am naturally drawn to”.

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The quilt roll

The quilt roll

I liked this design as a top, but I love it as a finished quilt. It seems ever so much nicer - and it was fine as a top!

But now when I walk by it as it’s on a chair in the kitchen/hall area - it makes my heart sing just to look at it!


When I took the pictures, we still had snow. Yesterday we had rain and as I am writing this up, the snow is gone. Maybe in a day or two we’ll have some more!

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Once again, I did swirls and circular things. I actually did more than one thing as I find myself varying it a bit as I go along.


I used pure white to help with the contrast since I was using pastels - though not super light ones - for the most part - as my main colors.

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Even though it doesn’t get warm these days, in the afternoons it is getting a bit windy.

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I would get pictures early in the morning but I need all the light I can get, and so I have been waiting til a bit later in the day - around noon.

By then the wind has picked up a bit.

These days are short, however, and I don’t have a lot of daylight to play around with - so I can’t wait too long in the afternoon - by 3:30 it’s dark again and by 4-4:30 pm looks like midnight!

A distance shot. I was actually a little concerned by using pastels I wouldn’t be able to see the pattern as well as I could with the darker fabrics (with the basic Mosaic pattern).

But it’s fine.

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And that is one of the things that has been going on here in my sewing room!

Oh yes…I did update the pattern with new pictures. It is over on the free patterns page.

Don’t forget to check out what my sis has for you over in the store!

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