"Circuit Board"

This is number 31 in my upcycled blues series!

At this point in my series, I’d begun to use up the neatest and nicest fabrics in my blues. However, I kept finding a few more in various places in my house. Thus, I had to continue the series as i really wanted to get down to only 2 boxes - one of primarily lights and one of darks.

This one used primarily solids on the round outside the black in the main block.

This one used primarily solids on the round outside the black in the main block.

I had to put the white in there to tone down all the busy-ness of the sashing. While it may remind me of another recent finish (Star-crossed), it is actually quite different!

I am creeping closer and closer to the finish of this whole series. I am getting excited about that as I want to turn my attention back to the 2” series and get those strips back down to a normal amount - whatever ‘normal’ may be!

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The quilt roll!

The quilt roll!

Once again I did some circles and swirls. They are getting old, aren’t they?

Well, maybe, but I do like how they add some fun movement to the quilt - as if this one needed any more!

However, because this quilt was on point, I found it easier to quilt it with this kind of design than a straight line quilting (which I considered).

Did you notice how the background of this photo is nicely not in focus? That is thanks to my son for my first photography lesson (he gave me a gift of three lessons for Christmas - using my own Canon G7). :) I just wanted to point that out!

Did you notice how the background of this photo is nicely not in focus? That is thanks to my son for my first photography lesson (he gave me a gift of three lessons for Christmas - using my own Canon G7). :) I just wanted to point that out!

Maybe here you can see that I used all solids just on the outside of the black. The inner 9 patch was just anything and everything - whatever I mostly already had in strips or squares. There was no color design for the center 9 patches.

Maybe here you can see that I used all solids just on the outside of the black. The inner 9 patch was just anything and everything - whatever I mostly already had in strips or squares. There was no color design for the center 9 patches.

This picture was taken later the same day as the one below from the same angle - but we had solid cloud cover by the time I took this one!

This picture was taken later the same day as the one below from the same angle - but we had solid cloud cover by the time I took this one!


As usual - the backing. I’ve been piecing them all lately - and using a bigger variety as I’m out of blues for the most part.

I did update the pattern and it’s in the free patterns section as well as the updated picture on the upcycled blues page.


Have a great day wherever you are reading this.

Tired of blues yet?

Well, we ARE getting closer to getting this series all the way done. Not next week…but …I’m kind of putting my heart into finishing these all up and getting those last two tops made - both of which are started.

The second time I tried to get pictures of this one, we had the sun break through the clouds for a while. I think the shadows look so cool - and it doesn’t happen all that happen to us here in the winter! When it does, I like it!

The second time I tried to get pictures of this one, we had the sun break through the clouds for a while. I think the shadows look so cool - and it doesn’t happen all that happen to us here in the winter! When it does, I like it!

Be sure to check out what my sis has for you in the store. She works hard to give you great fabric at sale prices!

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