Charity Quilt Week 4 - Day 1

With the end in tight of the centers that Fran had made and the Quick Strippy pieces that I had already cut, I was on a tear. I pushed it hard and finished up these!

As you can see…that is a total of 14 more tops! That’s a lot of sewing! My hands are getting a little tired. I’m glad I’m taking a break from this once I finish up just a few more. Then, the intensity will lighten up - as I will have finished for now the ones I’ve wanted to finish up. I know you can’t believe I’m saying that, but I am.

It may be kind of boring to have so many “quick strippy “ quilts here but as you know different people like different things. Having a variety of designs to me is what makes a good charity quilt outreach.

This is one of the main reasons that I love it when people give me tops because everyone has slightly different tastes and different fabrics! It helps my variety be a lot greater.

Here they are all nicely lined up on the rug on the floor:


At the end of this group of tops, this is what the piles look like:


I’ve left my 120 quilt top goal in the dust. But until I get the tops finished that I had wanted to, I will keep going (just one more day!).

All the tops over 120, will just apply towards 2020. I was pretty upset with myself for making myself have to put all the tops together (or add borders) this year for this. If I had already had the tops ready, I could have been quilting already!


As I come to the end of the tops, I’m starting to think about mixing and matching backings to the tops. I’ll start to cut and tear off the fabrics soon.

I did some cleanup today in addition as I want to start sandwiching and quilting in a day or two. I had to clean up around the table as I need the whole area clean so I can get to all sides of it as I sandwich.

Since it is spring, however, I need to get outside and work in the yard for about 1/2 hour a day minimum. Plus I have some computer work to do for 1/2 hour a day - that’s kind of how I tend to do things as otherwise, I get stressed and don’t do well if I have to do 4-8 hours of either of those in one day! I find I can get things done if I devote 30 min. a day to things. Well, I do have some weeds in my flower beds that grow so quickly that 30 min a day isn’t enough to ever get caught up.

I’m glad I pushed through on the tops while my husband was off teaching (he’s back now!) I spent a lot of time sewing while he was gone! Even though it was intense, it was worth it to have so much done!

Here’s a sneak peek of my prep for sandwiching. Even though I’ve got one more day to show you new tops - yes, tomorrow is the last one for now - I’ve got to start thinking about backing some of these.

Here’s my work in progess:

Just a sneak peek. I’ll show you more details in a couple of days.

Just a sneak peek. I’ll show you more details in a couple of days.

Be sure to check out what my sis has for you in the store!