Quilted Twins

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Charity Quilt Week 4 - Day 2

This is the last batch of finished tops for now. As you can see, I really went into high gear and finished up a lot of them. Tomorrow I’m going to show you why I had so many tops from Fran. I’ll explain and show pictures tomorrow.

The piles are crazy high now!

These are the last 15 tops. I did not go with my friend to the hospital for her radiation treatment on this day and I managed to finish up these 15 tops. That is crazy! I was determined to get them all done by the time I went to bed.

That’s a totals of 182 - or 62 more than my goal of 120. I will apply those to next year’s goal of 120.

Obviously I went way over 120 quilt tops. I will quilt 120 of them this year and save the rest for next year, but this way they are ready to go. I don’t have to stop and add the borders to at least 60 of them.

This is a meter stick my husband made for me. This shows how high the piles are.

Now you can say goodbye to these piles because I’ve moved them to a different room. Now you will see piles of finished quilts - not just topsI I only did that to encourage myself as I was focusing on getting tops ready.

I had to clean them out of the living room - I was starting to feel suffocated by high piles everywhere!

Be sure to check out what my sis has for you in the store!

See this gallery in the original post

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