Charity Quilt Week 3 - Day 5

Top making is coming to an end - at least for this group of charity quilting. I’m definitely going to try not to let this happen again - and I will try to get the tops done before the next year next time.

I have a 2” series top in blocks ready to put together and I’m kind of itching to get to it. I also have a farm quilt to finish and some matching pillows to make. My second daughter is marching (she actually finished in December) from college in May. So I’m working against a late April deadline for several quilts - non charity ones - that I need to finish up.

Anyway, here is what I finished in this group for today! This Juki is making a lot of difference. I can get a lot done in spite of going each day to help my friend at the hospital! I am so appreciative.

The piles on the couch: I made the three piles into four. They were just getting too high!


Here they are on the floor:


The totals:


I’m at the point where I’m trying to just finish out some things I’ve started so I can put the scraps away (! GRIN!) and get going on sandwiching and then quilting. I’ve got so much that I want to do! My problem is that I run out of energy now before I run out of day. I’m so glad we get to bed each night to kind of rejuvenate!

Oh, and today marks the opening of the baseball season. That actually helps as a game lasts about 3 hours. If I start watching one while I’m in my sewing room, as long as the commentators are good, I can keep sewing until it’s done - it kind of keeps me going!


Be sure to check out what my sis has for you in the store!

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