Charity Quilt Week 3 - Day 1


Well, back to the tops. As long as I don’t have my big machines around that I use for quilting, I’ll continue to focus on the tops that I so long to finish.

After getting the Juki industrial machine, I had to play with it. I just had to.

I didn’t even think about starting Toggl, however.

I did get all this done in about a 24 hour period of time, but not sure how many hours I spent on them.

My guess - 8 or 9. or 10 or 12. I really don’t know, and in the end, it doesn’t matter.

These are my finishes for this day: I had a goal to get as many of my large ones with borders - from Fran, of course. I don’t think I realized quite how many I had of hers once again! She’s been one busy lady!

Incidentally - if you are wondering “Who is Fran?” - I wrote a post about her a while ago now. It’s here.

Here are the piles of finished tops: The stacks are really getting high! And these are “just tops”!


And the total:

My new point of view is quite different. Now the machine is flying along on the long seams. It can go faster than I can guide it. It’s an interesting situation to be in.

I am trying to finish up tops now as fast as I can before I get the big Janomes back. Once I hear they are coming back I will probably start doing some sandwiching so that I can start in on quilting ASAP.

And that’s where I am. My total is now 105 - goal is 120 - but I really want to make 12 of the shadow solids, so i may go over that goal. I also want to finish bordering all of the “Fran tops” - or other donated tops- that aren’t child themed.

We have a lot of people coming now who don’t have children. A lot of older people. I love helping the older people because they get so little attention and help from other sources! So, “adult” themes - I definitely need them as well as Winnie the Pooh and cutesy children’s themed ones! I mostly ran out of the adult themed ones last time and I don’t really want to do that again!

And now you know!

Check back in on Monday for the next installment of this charity quilt top making!

Be sure to check out what my sis has for you in the store!

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