Charity Quilt Week 3 - Day 3

I was able to finish up more quilt tops - getting going on those shadow solids quilt tops. I have been working daily on the tops by Fran - I’ve got to explain the reason why I have so many smaller ones by her - just not feeling like it today.

But here are the latest finishes:

I do believe I’m missing a top here - from the individual pictures it should have been 7. Unfortunately, they are all in the piles and I don’t know what’s up with that.

I do believe I’m missing a top here - from the individual pictures it should have been 7. Unfortunately, they are all in the piles and I don’t know what’s up with that.

The group of finished tops is here:


Here is my summary picture: The piles are getting very high!


And my total so far!

If you are good at adding, you can read and figure out that this is 118. I am so close to 120, it isn’t funny! But the problem is, I’ve kind of set my mind on making 12 of those shadow quilts using solids. Guess I’ll go over the 120 goal for his yea…

If you are good at adding, you can read and figure out that this is 118. I am so close to 120, it isn’t funny! But the problem is, I’ve kind of set my mind on making 12 of those shadow quilts using solids. Guess I’ll go over the 120 goal for his year.

What I’ll do is just finish 120 and save the other finished tops til next year. I refuse to allow myself to feel like I have to do more and more and more. If I’m not careful that is how I will be. I have learned to make myself abide by my goals or I will never ever feel finished.

I figured when they gave me a 3 year extension on my residency card that that meant I would finish up 360 more charity quilts for the people of Poland or Ukraine. :) It may seem like a funny way of thinking to you, but that’s what I’ve done.

Oh, and because I only added 4 small instead of 5, it should be 87 small.

And yes, I’m growing weary of tops. The only reason I’m still here with it is because I am so very close to finishing up and reaching my goal! That is keeping me on the project!

And yes, I did get both machines back. No, I’ve not sandwiched anything yet - I had hoped to but didn’t get it done yet - as I just decided to really just focus on these tops for now.

In the meantime it is turning spring -like outside. Some days are cold. Some are beautiful! But we are having a taste of spring. I saw a crocus or two outside in the flower garden! Yeah!

Have a great day!

Be sure to check out what my sis has for you in the store!

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