Charity Quilt Week 2 - Day 6

Well, today I didn’t get a lot done, but I did some clean up and some more much needed cutting.

Toggl said I spent this much time working on this project today.

I only got 6 hours, 35 minutes in today doing these things:

  • sewing - 4 hours, 15 minutes

  • cutting - 58 minutes

  • cleaning up (still need to do about this much again in the morning) - 56 minutes

  • ironing - 15 minutes

I still can’t say I did a great job about remember to tell Toggl when I was changing jobs or stopping to do things, but I suppose if I used this app long enough I’d get used to it and be better at it. Of course the main problem is that I am at home, so home duties and this kind of project are worked on side by side, or even moment after moment.

Anyway…it’s really not all that important - it’s more or less a tool for me to check myself and see how much time I am actually sewing.

But I did finish up these tops completely:


My nicely laid out finished tops - aren’t they pretty? I figured about now I was getting a nice roll of finishes - lots of the cutting was done and I was just ready to “go for it”.


This is an ever growing leaning tower of tops! - well, towers, I guess.

This means I am now have a total of 87 quilt tops ready to sandwich. Unfortunately none of them have been sandwiched, however!

This means I am now have a total of 87 quilt tops ready to sandwich. Unfortunately none of them have been sandwiched, however!

And just so you could see the total:


I was having a hard time coming up with some cool and interesting pictures since I was doing the same thing day after day, hour after hour. I do have a couple of buckets of pieces cut out I should show you, but they just look like strips - not very exciting.

Be sure to check back on Monday for the last day of this 2 week (14 days) push to finish up 120 charity quilt tops. Well that was a joke. However, I didn’t go into it thinking I could possibly do that, even with all of Fran’s help. Not really. Maybe hope so, but not expecting to finish them!

I hope it’s been interesting to you. More about it all on Monday as I finish up this day by day commentary of this effort.

Be sure to check out what my sis has for you in the store!

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