"Hearts 'n Pieces"

I know it’s been a while, but remember my 2” strips series? Well, this is number 58 in that one.

For obvious reasons, I called it “Hearts ‘n Pieces”. I came up with that one all by myself!

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A bit of a closeup of the heart and surrounding off whites/whites.

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Step back and this is what you get. I did pick out pink and reds to use for the hearts, but for the rest, I just tried to look for dark strips. For contrast.

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Of course I was trying to get pictures on a windy day!


For quilting, all I did was loops. All over. I had actually finished the top some time ago - quite some time ago, actually. It has been in my cabinet of tops to finish - which I’ve been successfully ignoring while I focus on other things.

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The quilt roll! Love those things!

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It was a gorgeous day when I was taking the pictures - just a bit on the windy side!

It was a gorgeous day when I was taking the pictures - just a bit on the windy side!

I did update the pattern with new pictures and put it on the free patterns page here. You are welcome to it! I hope someone can use it!

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Have a great day wherever you are reading this!

That’s all from Poland for today!

Be sure to check out what my sis has for you in the store!

Becky Petersen1 Comment