Six time saving tips!

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I did a blog post a while ago about Six tips for Greater Productivity.

This one is a tad bit different.

I thought I’d mention 6 things that I do - maybe small things - that help me work a tad bit faster than maybe others. I was forced to think about this issue once again when someone asked me how I do so much, or something to that effect.

  1. Get a machine that can sew quickly.

    This may see like “duh”, but it’s true. If your machine just pokes, you can’t get things done as fast - esp. if you do a lot of straight lines where you actually COULD go quickly if you only could. Oftentimes we can’t sew that quickly because of the need for accuracy, but sometimes the sewing is simple. That Juki I have goes nice and fast! Even my Janome will straight line quilt with the walking foot at a max of 800 spm.

  2. When dealing with safety pins, do not close them after using.

    Just go ahead and throw them in the plastic container open. Yes, they all get globbed together, but when you are sandwiching, just take a bunch out of your container and drop them on the top and out pops a few. It’s like a “minor miracle” as I like to call it. (I learned this one from someone in my Facebook group and it really works!)

  3. Lower your standards just a tad bit.

    “What???” I can hear you screech!

    I don’t mean be sloppy - I mean, be good enough. If you are entering a show, okay - maybe take that seam out a couple of times, but if not, who cares? Really? I’ve never heard of someone giving a quilt back to the maker because “Those corners don’t match perfectly!” It may be a severe disappointment to those of you perfectionists, but that child isn’t looking at how perfectly those seams join - they are looking at the quilt as a whole! (Adults too!)

  4. Leave your ironing board set up in a permanent place not too far from your sewing machine.

    I don’t have it too close because I like to get up from my chair to iron - but it’s close. I actually don’t mind getting up and down to iron. It forces me to move a bit and I believe it is better for my legs to get them out of the same position once in a while.

  5. Strip piece whenever possible.

    Strip piecing is explained here if you don’t know what it that is. It saves time and increases accuracy.

  6. If your entertainment is distracting you, find something else to watch/listen to/do while sewing.

    I noticed that I couldn’t watch something completely compelling while free motion quilting or even straight line quilting because I needed to see it, but I’ve had very good success with audio only - especially using headphones/earplugs. I enjoy sports because when something exciting happens they replay it and I can look up and not miss that “big moment”!

So there you go! Six more tips that I use to help me get more done in less time than otherwise I might be able to.

What about you? Do you have a favorite time saving tips that helps you “get more done’?

I was going to add a bunch more fun clip art but the internet is really being crazy today and I have struggled long enough with this simple post! Have a great day!

Be sure to check out what my sis has for you in the store!

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