Top #78 from 2" strips and squares finished - no name yet

Here’s another recently finished scrappy top - No, I didn’t finish it in the 12 hours that we’ve been home - I did it before we left for our trip!

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I have these 2” strips on the floor in my sewing room and need to make the pile smaller. Actually I have already. This year - mostly this summer I’ve managed to finish up several tops from these strips primarily. This had made the pile shrink a bit, as you would imagine. It’s been from number 68-78 this summer. I guess I can’t complain though I wish I could have finished a couple more.

This top is made up of two blocks as you can see here.

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Then I added a sashing that was two toned. I put it so that the lighter surrounded the churn dash block and the darker side faced the simple squared - round and round block, in effect, making it seem like the round and round block is bigger than it is.

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Scrappy Happy Burgoyne Surrounded - one of my upcycled series of quilts

Scrappy Happy Burgoyne Surrounded - one of my upcycled series of quilts

I was going for a very scrappy look sort of like my Scrappy Happy Burgoyne Surrounded. Obviously this one was much easier, though, than that one. I was just going for lights in the background of the churn dash - mostly with white as the background. I did use some pastels though- just trying for contrast.

Anyway, as I guess you’ve figured out by now, I just got back from a trip - the biggest reason I’ve not had time to write any patterns lately - sorry - I have a hard time focusing on pattern writing right before trips as I have usually other things to take care of/think about. (I was told I needed to be ready to speak to the ladies at the camp where we are going.)

I will get to the pattern as soon as I can. Once again, however, I will say that I write the patterns by the time the quilt is quilted and washed and pictures taken if not sooner! I’ve fallen behind on a couple of them, but that is my normal method of operation.

Have a great day wherever you are reading this!

And be sure to check out what my sister has in the store!

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