"Scrappy Tumbling Block Houses" - top #71 finished with 2" strips and squares

I’ve wanted to try a tumbling block for some time now. Here’s my first attempt at a whole quilt top with them!

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Here’s one block up very close!

My husband told me it looked like person could sit on it! That made me feel like I’d achieved my goal!

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Can you see the houses?

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It’s your basic “Lego” house.


They are designed after the ones that I made and put into the quilt I made called “Warm Fuzzies”.

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That’s this one -

In case you are wondering - the whole Warm Fuzzies quilt looks like this and the pattern is here -

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Obviously the difference is that this one - this new one has the blocks cut at a 60 degree angle. Interesting.

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Here’s a close up of the top of the block:

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Here’s the bottom row:

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How am I going to quilt this one? At this point, I literally have no idea - none at all!

How am I going to quilt this one? At this point, I literally have no idea - none at all!

If this kind of thing is interesting to you, then stay tuned. I took a lot of pictures as I was making it because I figured you’d want to see it.

But sadly, I do not have the pattern written yet! I’m just too unfocused right now to write! I’m busy making tops!

I did add this one to the picture gallery of the entire set of 2” strips project here if you are interested. You can start at the beginning and see where I’ve gone with these! I find the journey interesting to look back on. I try to put up the patterns as I finish the top, but if not then, when I quilt it I will put the pattern on the site.

I’ve played around with so many fun possibilities with this tumbling block block and scrappy designs on the EQ program (Electric Quilt) Just so many things I could do.


Have a great day wherever you are reading this!

Be sure to check out what my sis has for you in the store!

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Becky Petersen3 Comments