Beige Wedding Quilt - Intro
Here’s the story.
We’ve been invited to a wedding in the Ukraine in a few weeks.
A Wedding Quilt
In beige
Make that a couple of weeks. Well, less than a couple of weeks, actually.
I’ve known about it for quite some time now, but didn’t know if it would actually work out for a number of reasons. We just got our tickets to go, so I know it’s in the works. Really and truly.
My husband thinks I should make the young couple a quilt! The bride’s mother has translated for my husband since he first started going to the Ukraine to teach in a Bible college there (1999).
She likes beige and pastels - we asked her mom. I decided, quite arbitrarily, that I would make the quilt beige - it seems nicer for a wedding quilt than pastels. I’ve not asked this couple if they actually want one, though, and that makes me a bit nervous.
My husband has assured me that they will love it. The bride is only 18 - not sure how old the groom is. I guess they marry them off young over there!
I don’t have long to do this, but actually quite a bit longer than I had for the last wedding quilt I made.
I have played around with a layout. This is what I’ve decided on. Once again, I will have to make it a scrappy beige since I don’t have enough of any one fabric to make an interesting quilt.
The layout. It is based on a 7.5” block - I will need 42 chain blocks.
How it should look in real life. It will be my first “beige” quilt and I hope it has enough color for them!
I’ll let you see each day what I do. I need to be done by July 11. I do hope to maybe make 2 decorator pillows and two pillowcases. We’ll see about that - but that is what I hope to do.
My husband told me that he likes this layout - (I had a different one as well). So this morning as we were talking and I mentioned “stars” in the pattern, he said, “Stars?” I said, “Yes, there are stars - that is what makes this one more interesting than the other one - didn’t you notice them?” He said, “No, I just liked it better.”
Later I sent him the second picture here - the one that it should look like as a finished quilt - and without the ‘lines’ of the pattern showing. He said if he uses his imagination, he can see them.
So, here’s the real question - Can YOU see the stars in this design?
Here’s the fabric I have to work with. I actually have quite a bit of it to choose from but not a lot of any one kind.
The pattern as I drew it needs 2 darker for the chains, white for sashing, and then scrappy blocks of lighter and darker beiges in a large HST.
My first choice was which fabric to use for the chains - they have to be dark for contrast.
This is what I chose - and the fabrics behind the two darker ones will be the background. I have to make 42 of the chain blocks.
Then, for the scrappy blocks that are made into a large HST I will draw from these:
The lighter ones:
The darker ones:
And so …here goes. Each day I’ll share what I get done. I’m having to help (I want to) with our painting, floor remodeling situation, so I am not able to focus 100% on this project. I’m hoping to get the top together in 4-5 days - 3 days for the blocks and 1 day to put it together plus a contingency day. Then I’ll sandwich and quilt.
I’m getting a late start for day One because I had to paint some walls this morning. It’s taking longer than I had hoped! At least the walls are looking good so far - even if it is taking 3 coats!
But that’s where I am with this project. Thankfully the weather has turned cool and using the iron isn’t an issue these days!
Have a great day!
Be sure to check out what my sis has for you in the store!
Price is by the Yard.