Big Fabric Haul - a closer look

I thought it was time to show you a little more of what I got when we went to south Poland and came back with our Galaxy full of fabric.

It is all kinds of fabric including a lot of nice sportswear.

A lot of it has a tiny bit of spandex in it. I saw some that said 98% cotton, 2% Spandex. I’ll have to be careful when I use it!

Here are some close up pictures.

What in the world am I going to do with it?

What I’m trying to do is use up one of these pieces each week.

I do know if I don’t get busy and start using it, I won’t use it. It won’t go down all by itself. It’s that simple. If I start cutting it into squares and make some progress, I will then be able to adjust what I’m doing. In other words, I’ve got to make a plan and then work the plan!

So far I’ve started cutting up the navy quilted fabric. It wasn’t heavy enough to actually use without quilting again - it was designed to use for clothing.

Then, I’ve used up some black poplin already - 5 meters of it - all cotton.

Now I’ve started working on some brown heavier fabric. I am thinking just big squares with an interesting sashing. When using these thicker fabrics, I am going to have to go with simple blocks….as I don’t want to fight complicated seams. I did that when I first started quilting and it was very hard to make triangles and such with it. I didn’t know better back then - now I do.

I made a page where I can document the fabrics I am using and the tops I make using it. It’s really for my own accountability - more than actually being completely fascinating to you all- but I suppose should you end up some bonanza fabric haul like this one, maybe it will help someone. I may get fancy - but then I may not. These are designated for mostly charity quilts. I’ll admit, I’ve started using some of it, though, and it is really nice fabric - I may make myself a skirt from a couple of pieces with Spandex and cotton. We’ll see.

The zippers and velcro are designated for the fidget quilts I want to try. I was talking with my husband that I think I’d like to make 1 at first and then make at least 5 - in a sort of assembly line.

If I can work the plan then I can use up this fantastic $400 buy. Remember? That’s what I paid for the whole works- all the thread I showed here and all this fabric! I do know it is going to stretch me a bit!

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But I had promised you some more pictures - and so I have. I may get tired of gray and black wool and wool blends before it’s all gone!

Just to show you what I had made previously out of tapestry weight fabric - here is one - and it went quickly in our give away.

You may see a fair number of big blocks just sewn in a simple patchwork style - fancy? No. But hopefully attractive, or at least mildly so, and warm, yes!

And so that’s my close up pictures of the fabric. Don’t forget to follow the link where I’ve started showing what I’m doing with the fabric itself.

Have a great day!

Check out what my sis has for you in the store!