The "weirdest" fabrics we have in our store!

My sis suggested this idea as a potential blog post and I thought it was a good one!

What are some of our strangest, weirdest, or most unusual designs we have at this moment?

If you happen to find this article some time in the future, I’m sure it will not be current.

But anyway…here’s what those of us here at Quilted Twins thought were some of the strangest or weirdest or even “coolest” in a fun way fabrics that we have. These are more or less “over the top” - different!

The first one my sis suggested is this one:

Chocolate cupcakes with a candle and flower by Free Spirit is Rachael’s choice. It’s what she told me immediately!

If this interests you, you can get yours here . Only $5.99/yard and it’s by FreeSpirit

If this interests you, you can get yours here . Only $5.99/yard and it’s by FreeSpirit

My niece, who does a lot of cutting and filling orders at the shop, suggested the antlered cats:

I had to check those out as I didn’t remember them very well.

This is what this a bit “off the wall” fabric looks like:

or you can get it in blue:

I thought of three fabrics right away - first, these glasses with the eyes in them

and then these heads in green

or you can get them in pink:

and these hands and arms - totally weird to me.

This fabric is to me, probably the oddest we have! by Juliana Horner for FreeSpirit. Only $5.99yard

This fabric is to me, probably the oddest we have! by Juliana Horner for FreeSpirit. Only $5.99yard

My daughter in law suggested a couple of fabrics that she thought “had character”. Here are some of hers: She, like my niece, cuts fabrics and prepares the packages for shipping.

Yeah…this one is strange! At least for the USA.

If you are interested in Architectural designs in FRENCH - check out this interesting fabric by Moda. Only $5.99/yard

If you are interested in Architectural designs in FRENCH - check out this interesting fabric by Moda. Only $5.99/yard

then she suggested this Painted Horse fabric. It’s in the specialty room and thus, more expensive at $9.99/yard but it matches a panel we have.

She also pointed out this strange fabric - as a math person, I’m sure she likes it! I am curious how people are going to use it!

and this one -

while perfect for Floridians, it is of such a color that it is a bit, shall we say, “unusual”!

These little trailers - are actually adorable - but you have to admit - a bit strange!

Then, to me, this striped fabric by Kaffe Fassett with several seemingly completely different stripes in one piece of fabric is “unusual” to say the least. I really don’t know how a person would use it!

This one by Kaffe Fassett is $10.99/yard. Admittedly, a lot of Kaffe is a bit different - but to me, this one “takes the cake” of all the Kaffe ones we have in stock. (You can find them here.)

This one by Kaffe Fassett is $10.99/yard. Admittedly, a lot of Kaffe is a bit different - but to me, this one “takes the cake” of all the Kaffe ones we have in stock. (You can find them here.)

Is that enough?

My question for you is -

How do YOU use odd/strange/weird/super cool fabrics?

What have you done with such fabrics?

Tell me! If you are on the Facebook group and can show us how you’ve used very unusual fabrics, I’d love to see it! If you aren’t on Facebook, email it to me at - I’d love to hear from you!

Have a great day wherever you are reading!

Be sure to check out what my sis has for you in the store!

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