Quilted Twins

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"Radiant Cross" finished

Once again - this is a top I made a couple of years ago—before “upcycled blues” became all encompassing!

All upcycleds.

I need to finish these fall colored quilt tops finished in the fall because that’s when I like doing them. Somehow, I don’t get all excited about working with these colors in the spring or dead of winter, for example.

That is why I am trying to finish up these older tops now. I made several back in 2017 that have been sitting on my shelf.

Here’s a bit of a close up of the cross part. You can sort of see the quilting - which was just radiating lines from the center of the cross.

I also was thrilled that it was a bright and sunny day so I could get the effect I was going for!

I had an idea in mind when I was thinking about the pictures for this quilt, but didn’t know if I was going to be able to get what I wanted.

I got up this morning and hung it on the line not long after breakfast. I was going to try to get the picture I wanted before late afternoon if I could the sun to hit it at the right angle.

I kept running outside to try to get the picture I wanted. I was working on sandwiching some charity quilts on the main floor so that I could keep an eye out on what the sun was doing! It kept retreating behind clouds and then the wind came up and blew and blew!

I did simple quilting. It took a while to mark the lines first, before I sandwiched it. I used Crayola washable markers.

I used my darker fabrics for the outer checkerboards, which were 2.5” squares and the lighter ones for the ones closer to the cross itself which were 2” squares. I used only browns and reddish browns for the cross itself.

Of course I strip pieced wherever I could. That goes without saying. I will often strip piece even if it is only a 10” strip and I need to make several of something.

I find it faster AND more accurate than sewing together individual squares.

I suppose a lot of are reading this now who weren’t reading this blog back in 2017 - so of course this is new to you!

The effect of the colors is created in part by the varying size of checkerboards. I really like the dark/light/dark look and am trying to figure out a different design I can make with it. I have drawn some up in the program Electric Quilt, but there’s nothing there that is calling my name to make (yet).

A cross was ideal since it is so symmetrical.

You all DO realize that we are missionaries here in Poland and that my husband often teaches Old Testament classes in various Bible schools in this part of the world AND that my twin sis’s husband is a pastor, right? Well, now you know in case you didn’t before! I’ve really only made two cross quilts - but want to make a couple of small ones for our church building!

I did update the pattern with new pictures and it is here! I hope someone can use it!

I’ve been thinking about it and I really need to re-do this one and make it a wall hanging. I think it would be so much more practical than a bed quilt! I just have this tendency to get carried away with things and make them bigger and bigger! Before you know it, I have a bed sized quilt! Oh well!

I’ll add that to my “Things to do” list!

I need to find a church with a prophet’s chamber to give it to. I think it would be perfect for that!

I trust you have a wonderful day wherever you are reading this!

Be sure to check out what my sis has for you in the store!

See this gallery in the original post

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