Garden harvest summary

The last Garden Update I posted was just before we left for Central Asia - that was August 16 or so.

Now it is about a month later.

My pumpkins are coming ripe and we are eating corn every day! The corn is very plentiful, but my seeds - it’s not as good as it is supposed to be. Next year I may get seed from the states.

And pumpkins - most of this post is about pumpkins as that is all I planted this year - pumpkins and corn!

pumpkins august 30 waiting.jpg

Yes…so far we have collected 27 pumpkins. This year I am determined that none of them will go to waste, so I am giving them away. I am using them as “neighborhood community building” - and giving them to neighbors or people I know will use them.

I don’t want any to sit here over the winter. Last winter I tried to keep some and they froze and then were wasted. Not again.

Here’s the first group we picked just after we got back from our trip - around the end of August - August 30 in fact.

pumpk august 30.jpg

I was a bit afraid that people would steal them, so we have been picking them as they have been turning orange.

The garden plot is across the street from where our house is. Yes, we’ve had people steal pumpkins from us AND corn as well in different years.

This one obviously isn’t even close to orange. This one we’re waiting to pick.

pump august 30 2.jpg

Here’s our total after the second picking - September 2

I had already given several away by this time.

pumpkins sept 2.jpg

Then my husband and Sylwek, a neighbor guy, picked another 5 last Saturday.

They had put them up here on the deck before I could get a picture of the group of 5 that they picked- so I didn’t get one of the last group of 5 - they brought them over in a wheelbarrow..

So far 27 pumpkins harvested!

We believe there are another 25 or so in the garden. Most of the ones that are still over there, however, are much smaller.

They will be perfect for carving! I am actually thinking of advertising that local people can come WITH a child and choose one to pick - in a couple of weeks. I thought it might be fun for the kids.

It’s hiding!

It’s hiding!

However, we’ll see. Maybe not.

The plants are very big this year and it is somewhat difficult to navigate. If it would freeze (light frost), then all would die down. However, we still have in the 60s, 70s and even had in the 80s last week! Our weather is predicted to change, however, on Sunday - dropping to the mid 60s as a high.

And now you know! Maybe you can also tell why I’m getting in the mood to make a harvest quilt or two!

Have a great day wherever you reading this!

Be sure to check out what my sis has for you in the store!

Becky PetersenComment