Cultural: August 1 - Warsaw Uprising memorial
This is a repost of a previous post.
Do you know your WW2 history?
Probably not as well as people who live here - at least not as it relates to Poland.
They set off flares and have a siren going for a minute at 5 pm on August 1 every year in Warsaw. Even though we are 3 miles from Warsaw, we could hear the sirens as well.
Every year on August 1 here in the Warsaw area, there is a memorial that takes place. To summarize - during WW2, the citizens of Warsaw rebelled against the Nazis and staged an uprising. It started on August 1, 1944. Unfortunately for them, they didn't get the support from the east or the west that they hoped for and they were defeated by the Nazis. Parts of Warsaw were reduced to rubble. Many, many people perished.
A ceremony where the president of Poland honored the fallen soldiers and resistance movement - normal citizens who died in the uprising.
I don't really like war stuff - but for a history buff and a person who loves all the remembering - this is the place for you! Let me link to a couple of posts that will fill you in on the details. I don't really need to rehash it all here.
Here's an article on Wikipedia about the Warsaw Uprising.
Here is a video by someone who was in the center on August 1, 2012 and they videoed what happened.
I saw flags up a couple of days ago in our area. This is a special time for the Polish people in our area as they take the time to celebrate in a special way. Celebrate - maybe that's not actually the best word - commemorate is a better word!
The tradition is at 5 pm, sirens go off all over Warsaw and no matter where you are - in a car, a bus or walking on the street you are to stop and come to attention. Cars and buses all stop in the street - the whole time the sirens go off. When the sirens cut off, everyone picks up again and keeps moving.
So, while in the minds of most Americans, WW2 is barely there - it is still alive in the minds and hearts of the Polish people - esp. today in the hearts of the "Warsovians".
It’s a sobering memorial - and one that I’m proud to share with you. Technically we do not live in Warsaw, but we are just on the outskirts of it.
A Polish folk motif
I hope this has educated you a tiny bit. If you already knew these things - then good for you!
Have a great day wherever you are reading this!
Be sure to check out what my sis has for you in the store!