Geometrics 16 - Lime Green and Black
This is all I have left of those geometric pieces. The two large strips on top are a heavier weight fabric. I have a few more backings to prepare - I’ll see if i can use up most of this in them.
Since I’m not doing any crumb or scrap quilts out of the small leftover pieces - I am declaring this the last top in the series. Well, except for number 11. I am not sure when I will finish that one.
I have all the geometrics already used up for that one and will make myself finish the blocks little by little. Somehow doing all these small quilts has been so wonderfully quick and easy that I’m having a hard time pushing myself to work on that queen size one.
So…sixteen it will be. That’s all. I have just a small amount of fabric left and will put it in with my strips or use it in the backings if I can.
This lime green - it’s a color I’m not crazy about - at least not in large doses. I really prefer a nice grass green, a mint or hunter green over this shade. Possibly the only color I like less is a mustardy yellow green (too reminiscent of newborn baby diapers)!
But I had this green - two- half yard pieces and I used it all up. All of it. I had a couple of strips of 1.5”x5” leftover and that’s all - and a few slivers of cut offs/straightening strips.
I had wanted to insert a strip of lime green in the border area if it happened to stretch like the widow’s oil (reference to a situation in the Bible found in 2 King 4). But alas, it did not. I had no more lime green to use up so I changed around my plan a bit and used this “less than desirable” piece of geometrics in the border - not really enough color in it but it’s what I had left.
So there you go.
I just took a little 9 patch made up of 2” squares in those geometrics and lime green and surrounded them with little 1.5” strips of lime green. I then used white sashing strips - and after putting on 4 borders - white/geo/white/black, I called it “done”.
It’s definitely not my favorite, but it works. I’m okay with it.
I suppose someone might like it as a kid’s quilt? Or maybe a lime green/modern fan? I have no idea. But I made it.
I am at the end of this series. Sixteen is it.
I am tickled. And I’ve super happy to be finished - at least with step 1. (I won’t be really done until all are quilted and photographed.)
I did make a page of these so you can see them all at once. I will be finishing these up in the next couple of months and will keep updating the page as I do so it’s all in one place!
Thanks for coming along with me on this journey! I know..we aren’t quite done yet, but almost! I still can say “thanks”, can’t I?
Have a great day wherever you are reading this!
Be sure to check out what my sis has for you in the store!
Colors may vary slightly from what is portrayed. Screens vary as well as our eyes sometimes see things differently, but we've made every attempt to have the color be accurately portrayed.
Price is by the Yard.